Software Developer
Amazon AWS
***User Preference Service***
• Re-architected preference service in multiple partitions to adopt DynamoDB Global Tables. Used SQS to poll/process messages, keeping the preference in sync across all AWS regions globally.
• Properly migrated existing user preferences from S3 to DynamoDB.
• Enabled read/write features from/to Global Tables, which eliminated the use of a home-brewed data replicator in multiple regions.
***Global Navigation for AWS Consoles***
• Setup favorite bar and pin feature so that users can easily navigate around AWS services.
• Defined metrics (front-end, client side, and ops metrics) and monitors to track the performances. Established pattern and configured alarms.
• Used CloudWatch to build interactive dashboards for better data visualization and user behavior analysis.
• Support region and language modules to help release new AWS partitions.
***Console Customization Service***
• Designed the service that provides "Unified" settings which enables customers have consistent experiences across browsers and devices.
• Implemented Lambda handler to add A-Record and setup Route53 updating process for custom domains across accounts.
• Implemented infrastructure to create and validate ACM certs, and update to APIGateway.
• Automated IAM role creation in the Route53 account for efficiency and security purposes.
***TLS Migration***
• Replaced Netscaler-based hardware load balancers with an Amazon Network Load Balancer (NLB).
• Onboard to JLBRelay, managed deployments and provisioned load balancers.